We are thrilled to share the first WoVeN Spotlight submissions! This month’s theme is “Spotlight a WoVeN Friend.” We asked WoVeN women to think about a woman you’ve met through WoVeN and with whom you have developed a friendship. Thank you to everyone who submitted a WoVeN Spotlight – we can’t wait to share the theme for our next WoVeN Spotlight Challenge! See our winners’ fantastic responses below!
“My WoVeN friend is Kelsa Simon who I met during our time going through the courses last year March 2020. I most admire her fitness goals, she post daily videos and her transformation has been nothing less than amazing. Kelsa is a beautiful spirit! She is lovely and always very positive and gives great advice. She is more than a friend, she is my sister. We are best friends and have shared triumphs and tragedy.”
Rosa-La Brown, WoVeN Peer Leader

From the first time I met Jessica Funes in group she has been so genuine kind loving and caring. Her authenticity and purity of heart just seeps through her Ora. She always make sure to put a smile on the faces of others and she just love to enjoy life and everyone in it. Jessica has no issue with being open and honest. Our friendship kicked of because we have like hearts and minds. Although we don’t talk everyday if she did not see my “Vera” face she would always ask me if I was alright. I just adore her motivational text and gentle kind loving heart.
Vera Keaton
WoVeN Trainer
I met Tracie Rosado in April 2019. From day one, we immediately clicked. Since then she is the one person I can call when I have a question, when I need advice or just need to vent. The relationship I have with her goes beyond WoVeN. We have participated in a mud run together and a local parade together. When I’m struggling to love myself or am feeling less than myself, she reminds me how strong and loved I am. She is more than a friend, she is my sister for life and I am so blessed to have her in my life!
Leandra Hernandez
WoVeN Trainer
Angela Price was in my first cohort as a Peer Leader. She was so much fun to have around. She overcomes her anxiety in new situations by being comical. She always makes me laugh at her silliness; she enjoys getting people to laugh. She has a deep need for connection and didn’t have any other than work related relationships. She admitted to me that she didn’t really have any friends, which I responded with “You do now! You have all of the WoVeN sisters of your cohort!” I call her from time to time, and have gone out to lunch with her. She’s so much fun to be friends with; and, I look forward to our friendship deepening over the coming years.
Valerie Minchew
WoVeN Peer Leader
Loretta Gulley and I both felt a calling to support and lift up our sisters and all Veterans wherever the opportunity presented itself. Four words have changed a person’s life from hopeless to hopeful, ” I’m here to listen.” Being Co-Peer Leaders in Woven have given us an opportunity to share experience’s, support each other’s Mental Health Advocating and volunteering while growing closer and having the best 1 1/2 hrs of our week. My friendship with Loretta has uplifted my spirits in a time I didn’t think I was worthy of such kindness and love. Loretta is my beacon of hope and shining star. Loretta has become so much more than a friend. She has become the sister I never had. Loretta says we are kindred spirits that finish each other’s sentences in our WoVeN peer trainings. Loretta became my friend when I didn’t know I needed a friend with a quiet ear to listen and a strong helping hand up. I’m grateful to Loretta as a woven sister I love very much and who has taught me that listening Is more powerful than any words spoken.
Lois Withers
WoVeN Peer Leader
Eulie Archibald and I were introduced to one another when I was added to April Price’s group of Peer Leaders. Eulie announced that she was looking to partner with someone to facilitate a group. I wanted to help her but I had already committed to leading a group with someone else. She and I later spoke by phone, and instantaneously we were like long lost cousins! Before that call ended, we had already picked out the dates for our group and I knew that our connection was solid… Eulie and I will be friends for eternity! Since then we have picked one another up when the days were just too heavy for each of our spirits. She’s a dynamic sister whose smile can illuminate a room! Her ideas are innovative and help me to envision circumstances in ways that I never would have imagined. Eulalie Archibald is a winner and I’m blessed to know her. Thank you WoVeN for bringing us together!
Detrel Howell
WoVeN Trainer
Look for the July Spotlight submission form in an upcoming newsletter! Sign-up for the newsletter here if you haven’t done so already!